Tuesday, January 26, 2016

College Life!!!

So I just started my second semester at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and currently, I really like my classes. I am taking Communicology 151, TIM 100 and 102, Economics 130, and Meteorology 101. The professors are really great at explaining and talking about the lecture being taught in class and totally understand it without struggling. My speech class has 230 students in it!! Thats like the biggest class I have!! Last semester though was the semester I hated. I hated my schedule because on Monday's and Wednesdays, I had a four hour gap in between my two classes so I was really bored. I did not have much homework. I would sit all day in the Hamilton Library on the third floor where the cubicles are located. I would either sleep or actually stay awake if I had my morning coffee. My anthropology professor was really terrible at explaining the material. She wouldn't let us use laptops to take notes and makes it really hard to write down everything she's saying as her lecture slides do not make sense. Well anyway, I have to say that UH Manoa is a really great school.

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